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In-Person Piano Lessons
Too busy to come in person?Our online course might be perfect for you!
1. Over 60 interactive videos that teach you step-by-step 2. Personalized feedback from a Suzuki instructor! 3. Music games and activities 4. Budget-friendly 5. Perfect for homeschoolers Visit to learn more! |
Group Classes
Motivation.Children are naturally motivated when they play the piano with their peers. Seeing other students playing more advanced pieces encourages them to practice harder! Parents also get a chance to hang out during the group classes and exchange ideas of how to create a better environment for their children at home. This is a vital and effective aspect of the Suzuki method!
Review.One of the many things that sets the Suzuki method apart from the traditional method is that all Suzuki students learn the same repertoire. This gives them the wonderful ability to play together! When babies learn a word, they continually repeat it. Only after many repetitions do they truly master the language. In the same way, when pianists review their repertoire they learn to play pieces with an ease and beauty that they would never have achieved if they had laid their "old pieces" to rest.
Music Theory.In order to understand piano to the best of their abilities, Purposeful Piano students learn music theory as a part of their involvement in the program. In a fun group class environment, they play games and participate in activities to learn theory concepts that spur them on in their musical journey and add new meaning to their piano lessons!